Treatment of solar radiation by spatial and temporal discretization for modeling the thermal response of arch dams

D. Santillán, E. Salete, D.J. Vicente, M.A. Toledo: Treatment of solar radiation by spatial and temporal discretization for modeling the thermal response of arch dams. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE.Vol 140, No 11, 05014001, 2014. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-889.0000801.

Detection and attribution of trends in magnitude, frequency and timing of floods in Spain

L. Mediero, D. Santillán, L. Garrote, A. Granados: Detection and attribution of trends in magnitude, frequency and timing of floods in Spain. Journal of Hydrology doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.06.040. Vol 517, 1072-1088, 2014.

Modelling uncertainty of flood quantile estimations at ungauged sites by Bayesian networks

D. Santillán, L. Mediero, L. Garrote: Modelling uncertainty of flood quantile estimations at ungauged sites by Bayesian networks. Journal of Hydroinformatics doi: 10.2166/hydro.2013.065. Vol 16, No 4, 822-838, 2014.

Prediction of gauge readings of filtration in arch dams using artifical neural networks

D. Santillan, J. Fraile-Ardanuy, M.A. Toledo: Prediction of gauge readings of filtration in arch dams using artifical neural networks, Water Technology and Science. Vol 5, No 3, pp 81-96, 2014.

An improved 1D-model for computing the thermal behaviour of concrete dams during operation. Comparison with other approaches

D. Santillán, E. Salete, M.A. Toledo, A. Granados: An improved 1D-model for computing the thermal behaviour of concrete dams during operation. Comparison with other approaches. Computers and Concrete, An international Journal. Vol 15, No 1, 103-106, 2015. doi: 10.12989/cac.2015.15.1.103